
My name is Lindsay. I live in an English seaside town with my partner, two children, two cats and collossal sheepadoodle. I’m a content writer who could easily coast through life sitting on the sofa all day in my pyjamas if it wasn’t for the school run, the dog and my favourite hobby.

We took on the allotment five years ago. After numerous catastrophes… it’s still a disaster, but the wins are coming more frequently. I go to bed dreaming of onions, peas, sweetcorn and pumpkins, not to mention voles, squirrels, blackfly, pear midges, codling moths and some rather large animal I’ve yet to identify that tears through the netting and trashes my carrot bed. Every. Single. Year.

My second passion is food. I grew up in a restaurant. I’m not a trained chef like my brother. I can’t hold a torch to my mum, who ran the restaurant kitchen for 20 years. I’m not as good as my partner, whose cakes and pastries are lighter than air. But I try.

Since the pandemic and cost of living crisis, I’ve developed a newfound respect and reverence for food. Growing your own is a big part of it too. When you’ve put so much effort into growing something from seed, fending off plagues and pestilence, wasting produce is the ultimate sin. So I’ve created this blog to catalogue my adventures growing and cooking, sharing my wins and the benefit of lessons learned through my many, many disasters.

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